5 Articles About Marijuana Law in Nevada
5 Articles About Marijuana Law in Nevada In Nevada’s marijuana industry, it is crucial to keep up-to-date with current events and the ever-evolving laws and regulations. Much like the state’s gaming industry, Nevada’s marijuana industry [...]
Meet The Pets of Connor & Connor PLLC
Meet The Pets of Connor & Connor PLLC National Best Friends Day was on June 8th this year and some of us here at Connor & Connor celebrated by curling up with one of our [...]
NRCP 6 – Timing: When to File Court Documents
NRCP 6 – Timing: When to File Court Documents When filing pleadings and other court documents in Nevada state court, timing is of the utmost importance. If an attorney waits too long to file with [...]
NRCP 5- Service and Filing of Pleadings and Other Papers
NRCP 5- Service and Filing of Pleadings and Other Papers In general, parties must give the other parties involved in the litigation documents that are used throughout the litigation proceedings. This process is called service. [...]
Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure – Service of Process
Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure – Service of Process NRCP 4 is generally the first rule parties deal with in the very early stages of a lawsuit. Once a plaintiff files a complaint to initiate [...]
Power in Purple – A Month Dedicated to Fighting Cancer
This April, Amanda Connor will be participating in the American Cancer Society’s Power in Purple Campaign. As a leader in our community, Amanda’s goal is to raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society’s [...]