Blockchain Technology and Decentralization in Nevada
Blockchain Technology and Decentralization in Nevada 03/14/20180 Comments In America, cash is centralized, meaning it is in the control of a single authority: the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve prints money and oversees the reserves [...]
Forming an LLC in Nevada
Forming an LLC in Nevada 02/19/20180 Comments Forming a business in Nevada can be a detail-oriented process and getting it right the first time is critical to avoid a lot of headaches and issues in [...]
Industrial Hemp in Nevada
Industrial Hemp in Nevada 01/23/2018 0 Comments Overview It is common knowledge that hemp and marijuana are both produced from the cannabis plant. Although plants used for hemp production do contain small amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol [...]
Top 5 Things To Know About Marijuana Laws in Nevada
C Corporation vs. S Corporation: How to Incorporate a New Business
C Corporation vs. S Corporation: How to Incorporate a New Business When a new business decides to incorporate there are some things to decide early in the process. One of the issues a company needs [...]
Sealing your criminal record in Nevada
Sealing your criminal record in Nevada Thinking of sealing your criminal record in Nevada? Record sealing can be a beneficial process for those who have been convicted of a crime and who wish to protect [...]